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Thoughts While ShavingAs make our way through this world we live in, we spend far to much time…it seems to me….we worry…about this and that…mostly things or situations we have no control over…. Health is not good, a friend or family member continues to struggle….bad job or no job….maybe it’s a friend or family member hooked on drugs or any number of other things that can go wrong….

Best I can tell, life is all about our ‘highs’ and ‘lows’ and how we deal with them…..

All that said…..I visited my long time walking “buddy” yesterday who has, for the most part, been bedridden for the past several months….and her attitude is so good….She knows her struggles are far from over…I am speaking about Janice Johnson, who was critically injured in a vehicle accident 9/11/14.

I left thinking how we can get ‘bogged’ done in self pity, going from one extreme to the other as we go thru life….and here is a good lady who is basically bed-ridden and can lift your spirits to a new high….

Janice has a doctor’s appointment in the next 10 days or so, and her doctor, she believes, will release her….She still has physical obstacles to overcome….a left side that is recovering slowly….(that was where she was most seriously injured)….If anyone can overcome….she can…keep her in your prayers.

And as we complain, moan and groan about our minor, many times, insignificant problems…Help us help others….We all have friends who are struggling..

That concludes this sermon…..I am among men mostly richly blessed.

There is nothing more beautiful than someone who goes out of their way to make life better for others…

Love people who hate you….Pray for people who have wronged you….It won’t just change their lives…it’ll change yours.

We are in the world to support one another.

robert g hester

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