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U.S. Army John F. Kennedy Special Warfare Center from Fort Bragg met with the Town of Elizabethtown officialsThe U.S. Army John F. Kennedy Special Warfare Center from Fort Bragg met with the Town of Elizabethtown officials and town staff members to learn the town’s procedures during times of emergencies for the second time today according to Town Manager, Eddie Madden.

The center contacted the town of Elizabethtown three years ago in order to join forces, with their neighboring community, for training emergency management. According to Madden the group from JFK Special Warfare Center and Town of Elizabethtown met three years ago and then again today. Madden said, “We show them our procedures in time of emergencies so they can employ some of the same steps around the world.”

The U.S. Army John F. Kennedy Special Warfare Center and School, the U.S. Army’s Special Operations Center of Excellence, trains, educates, develops and manages world-class Civil Affairs, Psychological Operations and Special Forces warriors and leaders in order to provide the Army special operations forces regiments with professionally trained, highly educated, innovative and adaptive operators is the mission of the center and school according to their website at, http://www.soc.mil/swcS/.

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