Thoughts While Shaving
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Ever have a day when it seems you had several days all in one? I know, everyone does…..For me, that day was yesterday…..From one extreme to the other…more later….

As much as I pull for our local football teams….Just must concede that Wallace-Rose Hill and Clinton are in a league by themselves this year and East and West Bladen are in tier 2…..The Knights and Eagles are very good teams…..The Bulldogs from Duplin and the Darkhorses from Clinton are great teams……A reminder, Wallace-Rose Hill won the state 1A championship last year and Clinton played in the state championship game, but lost….A very good #2 team…..

The season is not over…more games to be played…but the cream has risen to the top….The Clinton vs Wallace Rose Hill game should be state championship level play…..A reminder, they do not compete at the same classification in state competition…..WRH is a 1A team and Clinton is 2A.

Last night, the Eagle Booster Club…..expressed their appreciation to 3 who supporter their efforts for many years….Lyn Shaw, Chicky Robbins and Jimbo McLaney were three of the most most dependable volunteers ever for East Bladen High School….The PA, and the clock and all the duties related to the press box were in good hands for many, many years….They talked of retiring for a few years and then suddenly that day arrived at the end of last season….Not sure they will ever be replaced….Good folks who made a huge contribution for many years.

And, I was honored, guess because I out lived everyone else….I am grateful, thankful, appreciative….Not sure who all played a role…..So I just say thanks to all responsible…..and thanks to my family and friends for attending….My mom would have been happy….son, Rick and his bride, Caroline were there, Sarah, my bride of nearly 55 years was there and brothers J.Ronald and Kenneth and sister Delores Holcomb and brother-in-law Harry were there as were neighbors and friends, including my broadcast partners….Ricky, Dan, Joe and Ron…..A great way to bring the curtain down on a volunteer career/hobby that has lasted 50 years…..A night I will never forget….

I was happy to see my retired pastor (Rev. Eckie Lancaster and current pastor (Darrell Copeland) and pastor-brother (Rev. James Ronald Hester) there….I need all the help I can get…

BladenOnline’s John Clark and photo genius and friend Ken Armstrong captured the highlights on our sports page…

I totally lost my concentration….in the second half of the ballgame….some would say, nothing new…..sorry…

The ballgame capped an interesting day….Attended a good Telco conference in Asheville….The travel home was interrupted by two wrecks that consumed nearly an hour and a half within 15 miles of each other….The pendulum was from one extreme to the other…Now back in my regular routine….Such is life for all, whatever our walk in life….

Sports figures and interesting and confusing quotes….

Tug McGraw, baseball pitcher, on being ask if he preferred grass or Astroturf, his response….”I dunno. I never smoked Astroturf.”

Basketball star Jason Kidd….”We’re going to turn this team around 360 degrees.”

Torrin Polk, college football player on what a college football coach can offer his team “He treats us like men. He lets us wear earrings.”

Say what???

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