Town Of Elizabethtown
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The Elizabethtown Town Commissioners will met at 12 noon and 7 p.m.
The noon meeting is a work session, the regular session is held at 7 p.m. Both meetings are open to the public.
At the noon session, Fire Chief West will present a Paid-On-Call program for volunteer firefighters and Commissioners will hear a presentation from W.K. Dickson and Associates of projects underway or proposed by the consultants.
At the evening meeting the board will consider:
1) Roof replacement to Tory Hole Park buildings and Morehead Street building,
2) Approve a proposal related to Browns Creek Bike Park,
3) Consider approval of a Digital sign for Cape Fear Farmer’s Market,
4) Consider signing contract for a new fire truck,
5) Consider approval of a contract for demolition of property on Dunham street,
And approve several routine matters.
Commissioners have scheduled a closed session related to Attorney-Client Privilege and Real Estate.
The meetings are held at Elizabethtown Town Hall and regular sessions are open to the public.

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