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McGovern seeks body cameras for Bladen County LawenforcementThree strikes your out doesn’t count when it comes to politics and taxes. The quarter-cent sales tax that has been voted down three times since 2010 according to County Manager Greg Martin, is back on the agenda for the County Commissioners.

Chairman of the Board of Commissioners, Charles Peterson brought the item back to the agenda Monday evening at the commissioner’s meeting with a different outlook on how it may be passed.

Peterson said, “It didn’t pass when it was to support our schools, I want to see if it will pass if we use it to lower our property tax by two percent.”

Commissioner Dr. Delilah Blanks said, “Why are you bringing this back up? The voters have voted it down three times already?”

Commissioner Arthor Bullock said we could use the funds for EMS.

Commissioner Michael Cogdell said he would like to see the money used for EMS and education.

Peterson explained that the commissioners could ear mark the sales tax funds for several different things to help the county.

Blanks repeated her take on the matter, “Why would we try to pass this again, when the voters don’t want it?”

Commissioner Wayne Edge said, “If we show the tax payers the sales tax increase would mean lower property taxes, and the money could help with education and EMS, maybe it will pass.”

Peterson asked the board to think it over and come to the next meeting with some suggestions about the agenda item.

In other business:

… The Bladen County Board of Commissioners announced Renee Davis as the new Bladen County Tax Administrator Monday night. When we asked Chairman of the Board, Charles Ray Peterson about the new hire, he said we try to hire within if we can. READ MORE

… The Bladen County Board of Commissioners presented a proclamation to Mrs. Ann Garrett, NC Works Manager, announcing November 9th through November 13th, 2015 to be: Hire a Vet Week in Bladen County and urge the employment of veterans by all businesses during the month of November.  READ MORE

… Detective Sue Lutz was recognized for having served twenty-five years in Law Enforcement. Lutz was the first woman detective in Bladen County. Her last day of service was October 31st, 2015.  READ MORE

… Peterson asked that recognition certificates be framed and all employees being recognized receive a $10 gift card. The item will be discussed further at the next meeting.

… Marian McGovern of Elizabethtown addressed the Bladen County Commissioners Monday evening inquiring about body cameras for the Sheriff’s Department.  READ MORE

… Rev. Larry Hayes with Cry Out America asked the commissioners for a monument with names of service members from our county’s emergency services on it to be placed at the flag poles in front of the courthouse. The commissioners voted in favor of the monument unanimously.

… County Manager Greg Martin asked the commissioners about working with Piedmont – Triad Regional Council who specialize in pay and classification studies for local governments throughout North Carolina. Bladen County’s current pay and classification plan was completed in 2005. The commissioners will discuss this further at the next meeting.

… Commissioners approved giving $250 to Bladen County United Way Day of Caring and Bladen County Veterans Day Ceremony.



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