David Rouser
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Today the House voted to pass the H.R. 596, To Repeal the Patient Protection and Affordable Care Act and health care-related provisions in the Health Care and Education Reconciliation Act of 2010. The bill fully repeals Obamacare and requires House committees to come up with free-market alternatives to make the health care system better. H.R. 596 passed 239 to 186 and awaits consideration in the Senate.

After the vote was made, Congressman David Rouzer , responded by saying, “One of the best things we can do in Congress to create an environment for better-paying jobs is to repeal Obamacare.” The U.S. House of Representatives has voted for the fourth time to repeal the Affordable Care Act of 2010.  The vote was 239 to 186.

The Senate now faces the healthcare issue.  President Obama responded by issuing a veto threat.

Rep. Rouzer said, “Under Obamacare, health insurance premiums have gone up, access to quality care has gone down, and doctors all over this great land are plotting their exit strategies — not to mention the chilling effect this law has had on our economy, resulting in lost jobs all over America.” Bladen County has already seen healthcare providers leave the area.  Providers wanting to have their own practice may be a thing of the past if the Affordable Care Act of 2010 stands.  There is too much red tape to get passed for healthcare providers to stay operational.

Some citizens have already lost coverage, or had a rate increases with their premiums.  Jumps in deductibles, or narrow networks are other issues Americans are facing with the new system.  Approximately $2 trillion in new entitlement spending, plus penalties from individual and employer mandates, are all on the list of new things taxpayers have to struggle through.

Low-income individuals, who often don’t pay income taxes, will now have to calculate their insurance subsidies for the Internal Revenue Service.  These individuals may have to pay back money to the government if their figures to the IRS are incorrect.

These are just some of the issues law makers and tax payers are faced with due to the Affordable Care Act of 2010. Be sure to contact your elected officials to voice your opinion about our healthcare system.


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