Bladen County Sheriff's Department
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Bladen County Sheriff's Department
In the past few years law enforcement officers have been portrayed in an unfavorable way in the public and the media. Sadly, some of the wrongdoing officers have been accused of is true. But the really sad thing is the impact those wrondoings have on all of the remaining officers who do their jobs with honesty, integrity, and a commitment to those they serve.
Recently, Sheriff James A. McVicker received a letter from Amy Schumacher, Special Education Teacher at West Bladen High School. Amy Schumacher wrote Sheriff McVicker to commend School Resource Officer Harfel Davis for a contribution he made to her class. This is her letter:
Sheriff McVicker,
I wanted to take a moment to thank Deputy Harfel Davis for his recent contribution to our Exceptional Children’s Classroom at West Bladen High School. This donation is so appreciated and helped us reach our goal of paying for the gas for an upcoming field trip to Family Farm Days in Raleigh, where we will learn about local livestock and working on a farm. With gas prices having been so high we have not been able to take a field trip with our class in many years so this one is very exciting for myself and my students.
Our county does not have the funding to be able to provide any expendable funds to our classrooms for anything other than the basics and sometimes we don’t even have to basics so donations from the hearts of the people of our community are such a blessing and needed in order for our children to experience any extra’s within their school years.
I want to publicly thank Deputy Davis for being a bridge within the community to raise and educate our Special Education children. I cannot give enough thanks.
Sent in appreciation,
Amy Schumacher
West Bladen High School
Special Education Teacher
“This is just one example of a deputy giving of themselves without any expectation of recognition,” said Sheriff McVicker. “Over the past year I have heard of several of my deputies going that extra step to help those in need. Two deputies, James Dove and Michael Shaw assisted the Department of Social Services on a call where some children had to be placed with their grandmother temporarily. Deputies Dove and Shaw went to Walmart and bought school uniforms for the children. I would not have known this without being told by one of my dispatchers. I also know of another deputy that pulled money from his pocket to help a homeless man get food and shelter. I cannot tell you how proud I am of these men and these acts of kindness. And what makes me even prouder is the fact they do not want to singled out or recognized for their deeds.”
“I wish every one of my officers, their families and those we serve a Merry Christmas and prosperous New Year and let us all never forget that we are our brother’s keeper.”

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