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By: McDuffie Pest Control

McDuffie-termite6After last year’s record-setting rainfall in North Carolina, McDuffie Pest Control warns of a possible uptick in pest populations in the coming weeks and months. Residents in hard-hit communities should expect to see an influx of pests – from mosquitoes and flies to rodents – in the wake of the storms.

“As the waters begin to recede in North Carolina and Bladen County, we will likely experience a spike in home pest invasions due to excess moisture build-up and population displacement,” said Dana McDuffie with McDuffie Pest Control.

The following pests to be on the look out for are as follows:

1. Mosquitoes: After a lot of rain, standing water is a major issue because it is the ideal breeding ground for mosquitoes. Residents should apply an insect repellant containing DEET, picaridin, IR3535 or oil of lemon eucalyptus when spending time outdoors to minimize the chance of being bit by a mosquito.

2. Flies: Spoiled food and overflowing sewage is a favorite spot of Filth flies and both are commonly seen after a significant amount of rainfall. This fly often lays its eggs in rotting organic material. Sanitation is crucial to prevent a fly infestation in the home.

3. Rodents: Rodents nesting outside start to look for dry places for refuge in downpours. Homeowners should store trash in sealed plastic receptacles until clean up is finished.

4. Termites: These pests love moist wood and homeowners should be aware of the damage termites can cause in their homes. Any wood that may have come in contact with water will be a magnet for termites. Homeowners in flooded areas should contact a licensed pest control professional to inspect their properties for signs of termite damage.

5. Ants: If you haven’t already noticed the rise in ants around your area, there is a good chance you will soon.

If you suspect an issue with pests contact McDuffie Pest Control for a free estimate. For more information visit, www.mcduffiepest.com.

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