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Thoughts While ShavingWinter has arrived….
Did you see the ‘Biggest Loser’ on NBC last night?  Two Bladenboro residents made a good showing.  Vicky and Lauren Clark had lost 10 pounds or more each, at the first weigh-in…..and their stay on the ‘ranch’ continues.
A reminder….today is the last day to pay Ad Valorem (property) taxes prior to a penalty being added.  While in the courthouse yesterday (Monday) I observed a line outside the tax office.  No complaints….remember, the bills were received in July or August, were due September 1, 2015, but no penalty until January 6.
Discovered more info from the past during the holidays.  Elizabethtown Jaycees and Jaycettes…
DSA Banquet, January 17, 1984.
Outstanding Young Farmer           Ronnie Huggins
Outstanding Young Educator        Sharon Tolbert
Outstanding Young Rescuer         Steve Rumbley
Outstanding Young Firefighter       Woody Lancaster
Outstanding Young Law Enforcer  Lewis Hatcher
Wanda Campbell Award                Rosa Lesane
Outstanding Youth                         Gary Moore
Outstanding Senior Citizens          Mrs. Mabel Fisher
Outstanding Young Woman           Martha Cross Bostic
Winfred B. Johnson Award            Jim Schultz
Distinguished Service Award         Paul Auten
Speakers were Sen. R.C. Soles and Carl Stewart
Officers of the Jaycees
President           Glenn Daly
VP’s                   John Fox
                          Kent Dunn
                          Charles Corbett
Secretary           Robin Fassnacht
Treasurer          Charles Royal
State Director    Dan Allen
Directors            Richard Crozier
                          Breece Horton
                          McRay Simmons
                          Cliff Hester
Past President  Gary Grady
I enjoy looking back.. The road ahead is most likely shorter than the road traveled.
The closest I’ve been to a diet this year is erasing food searches from my browser history.
We need a 12-step group for compulsive talkers.  They could call it On Anon Anon.
What is planted to grow seedless watermelons?  Jerry Seinfeld

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