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Thoughts While ShavingWith all the attention this time of the year on Washington, DC events, including the State of the Union Address and the election of a new president and partisan politics, I decided to look back….at approval ratings of presidents over the past 70 years.

Average approval rating, using Gallup Historical Statistics and Trends, info.

John F. Kennedy       70.1%

Dwight Eisenhower    65.0%

George H.W. Bush    60.9%

Bill Clinton                 55.1%

Lyndon Johnson        55.1%

Ronald Reagan         52.8%

George W. Bush       49.4%

Richard Nixon           49.0%

Gerald Ford              47.2%

Jimmy Carter            45.5% 

Harry Truman           45.4%

Of course, Barack Obama’s term continues, however his numbers, again according to the Gallup organization, is 47% approval, with a high of 67% on January 2009 and a low of 40% for November 2014.    

I was surprised, would have thought Ronald Reagan and maybe Harry Truman would have been higher, well at least Reagan.  Not my numbers, Gallup’s, the polling organization.

Wondered about controversial issues each dealt with.

Who will be next?  To be determined in November.

Have you purchased lottery tickets?  That will be a topic of discussion today.  Should be about $1.5 billion, less taxes, an all time record for lotteries. Chances of winning?  One in nearly 300 million….slim, but someone will eventually win.

Well, I goofed yesterday.

My apologies to Russell Dove, current West Bladen football coach, soon to be South Columbus high school coach.  I misstated…had him going to West Columbus….  He has done a very good job at West Bladen.  He is stepping into the footprints of the likes of the late Jack Holly and Joey Price (current Wallace Rose Hill coach). 

I recently decided to sell my vacuum cleaner as all it was doing is gathering dust.

Where there’s a will, there’s a relative.

I like to hold hands at the movies….which always sees to startle strangers.

My wife just found out I replaced our bed with a trampoline; she hit the roof.

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