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By Rev. Cameron L. McGill

As another attempt to make Beer & Fortified Wine more accessible to residents & visitors to White Lake approaches, I would like to offer a word of wisdom & warning – “Alcohol & Water Do Not Mix!” I would urge you to VOTE AGAINST the Beer & Wine Referendum on Tuesday, March 15.

As a resident of the White Lake & as Pastor of the LAKE Church, I love all that is good about this piece of paradise & hate all that threatens to harm it. I am certain that more Beer & Wine will only harm, not help our community.

Nothing good ever began or ended with the phrase, “They had been drinking”; No child has ever been thankful for a drunk for a dad or a lush for a mom; no marriage has ever been improved by Liquor; no business strengthened by booze; no home blessed by beer; no body made more healthy by The Bible says that “Wine makes a fool of you & leads to brawls” & that, “Alcohol leads you to make poor decisions”.

Common sense tells you that Alcohol has done more damage to our society than any other “drug” known to man. If Liquor was a new drug that just hit the market, our government would do everything possible to rid our streets of this terrible intoxicant, due to its devastating effects on all that consume it. However, the love & lure of money (the root of all evil) entices many to accept & even promote the sale & consumption of Beer & Wine.

Do not believe the Lie that says White Lake’s economy will be strengthened by this referendum. The costs incurred by the increased alcohol consumption will far outweigh any revenue created by its sale. Elizabethtown & Bladen County have seen numerous businesses fail over the years after adding beer & wine to their menu. I submit that the only kind of bar that Bladen county would benefit from is a Salad Bar!!!

Allowing Beer & Liquor to be more readily available at the Lake will only guarantee more boating accidents, more drownings, more violent incidents, & more trouble for the citizens of White Lake. I am convinced with absolute certainty that Beer & Water Do Not Mix.

I make no apologies for being a “Tee-Totaler”. I hate alcohol the same way I hate cancer because of what I have witnessed it do to so many I love. Alcohol leads to Despair, Devastation,

Divorce, the Downfall of Communities, and eventually Death… So why would we dare want it to be more easily accessible? I, for one, Do Not! Again, I urge you to VOTE AGAINST Beer &

Wine at the White Lake Primary on Tuesday, March 15 because “Alcohol & Water Do Not Mix!”

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