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BCC President Findt-UNCP Chancellor Cummings

As the March 15th primary election day approaches, it is important for voters across Bladen County to understand the breadth and impact of the Connect NC Public Improvement Bond. 

This $2 billion bond package will support needed statewide capital improvements in education, parks, public safety, recreation, plant sciences, agriculture, and water and sewer infrastructure.

More than two-thirds of the Connect NC Bond will fund critical improvements in higher education. Capital projects that focus on science, technology, engineering, mathematics, career readiness, medical sciences, business, and campus upgrades will impact the 17 UNC System campuses and the 58 community colleges.

Seventy-six counties will receive investments in both rural and urban communities. Because of the state’s strong revenue growth and ample debt service capacity, no tax increases will be needed to finance the bond.

Lee Roberts, outgoing state budget director, describes the bond funding in an article in the Carolina Journal, (February 2016, page 4), “Interest rates are at historic lows. We believe we would be committing fiscal management malpractice not to take advantage of these historically low interest rates to finance these long-term infrastructure needs.”

Roberts explains that the state is paying off its existing debt very rapidly. It was at $7 billion in 2010 before dropping to $5.2 billion at present. “We’ll pay off 75% of our existing debt over the next 10 years, and even with the issuance of the additional $2 billion, we’ll have less debt 5 years from now than we do this year.”

The Bond will have a significant impact on Bladen County. Mac Campbell, former CEO of Campbell Oil Company, remarks, “My family businesses include operations with agriculture. This is the top industry in North Carolina, and it supports thousands of jobs especially in rural areas like Bladen County. The Connect NC Bond will support our agricultural future by investing $85 million for the NC State University Plant Sciences Initiative and $94 million for a new collocated laboratory facility for the NC Department of Agriculture and Consumer Services. This action will support farmers all across Bladen County, and impact our local economy in powerful ways. We need the Connect NC Bond.”

Bladen Community College will receive $6.5 million. The college hopes to construct a new classroom building to advance science, technology, engineering, and mathematics curricula, a long-term goal since 2010. The remaining bond funding will be used for renovations and repairs, campus lighting, and sidewalk & parking lot repairs.

BCC Alumni Robin Novak, states, “BCC has changed my life. The programs offered and the first-class faculty members combine to make the experience great. With additional funding through the Connect NC Bond, the impact of Bladen Community College on students will be staggering.”

Hayes Petteway, former banking executive supports the bond. “It has been 15 years since North Carolina voters approved a bond to affect our infrastructure needs. Since then our state has grown by almost 2 million residents. The Connect NC Bond will bring greatly needed improvements to North Carolina and over $7 million to Bladen County without a tax increase. This is a time for Bladen County residents to show their support for our state and our county.”

Both Jones Lake and Singletary State Parks will receive $1.2 million from the bond. Shane Freeman, Superintendent of Jones Lakes states, “Our camping facilities are nearly 60 years old. We need upgrades to the 20 family campsites and 1 group site. Only one campsite has electrical and water hookup.”

Jones Lake was founded in 1939. The original buildings were constructed in the 50s. “The campsite bathhouse is one of the original building,” remarks Freeman. “We will use some of the funds from the Connect NC Bond to build a new, ADA compliant bathhouse.”

Singletary Lake Superintendent, Kristen Woodruff, expresses similar concerns. “Our park was built as a Civilian Conservation Corps (CCC) Camp in the 30s. With funding from the Bond, we will construct a new visitor’s contact center and the office space we are in now, will become a maintenance building.”

Singletary Lake serves as the headquarters for Bladen County lake management, issuing all permits for piers and structures at White Lake and Bay Tree Lake.

Bruce Dickerson, owner of Dickerson’s Pharmacy, comments, “This is an opportunity we cannot afford to turn away. Bladen Community College, as well as community colleges across NC, will receive funding to dramatically improve the campus. Also, our two local state parks will receive $1.2 million for improvements. Without this bond, local funding in the form of a tax increase would be required. The state bonds will finance this growth without raising our taxes or introducing a new tax.”

For more information about the Connect NC Public Information Bond, visit www.connect.nc.gov.

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