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DAV March 2016Our local Disabled American Veterans (DAV) have been busy during the last month, and they have lots to show for it. With 4 new members in attendance at the regular monthly meeting on Tuesday evening, talk soon turned to upcoming events and celebrations. Commander David Brown will be one of the interviewees at the upcoming WECT-TV Meet & Greet at Bladen Community College.

A date has been set for the Veteran’s Administration’s Mobile Claims van to visit Bladen County. The VA representatives will be set up at the American Legion building in Elizabethtown on April 14, 2016 at 9:00AM, to assist all veterans seeking to file claims or have existing claims expedited. Any veteran who would like to explore his/her claims options are encouraged to stop by. The Mobile Claims vehicle will be in Bladen County for the whole day. The DAV will hold their next regular monthly meeting on April 12th.

On April 23, 2016, the DAV will enjoy a celebration at West Bladen High School, in honor of the 100th anniversary of the JROTC. There will be dancing, a 5K Run, and special awards for the WBHS band and JROTC, to thank them for their past participation in Veteran’s events. The DAV will also be happy to sign up any veterans who wish to join the local chapter. With 13 more members, the local chapter will receive their official charter. They are seeking officers to serve the local chapter in the capacity of Senior VP, Junior VP, and Treasurer.

Commander Brown will be taking his Service Officer exam this week to become the newest Service Officer representative. Once his new position becomes official, he will be able to assist local veterans in filing their claims and receiving their overdue benefits. Brown has been studying hard for this exam and deserves commendation for his efforts.

Brown has been exploring the opportunity to create a Soldier’s Home for homeless veterans, and is seeking certification from the Veteran’s Administration. Plans are underway to create a Veterans Court in Bladen County, and a proposal was offered to hold a Stand Down event, as well.

An announcement was made at Tuesday night’s meeting to inform all veterans that Sam’s Club sponsors a free Veteran’s Breakfast every second Monday of the month, at the Sam’s Club in Lumberton, at 8:00AM. All vets are encouraged to come out and share fellowship with their comrades.

The DAV Chapter 7, will hold a District Meeting on April 9, 2016, at Golden Corral in Lumberton, NC, from 11:00AM – 3:00PM. The District Commander will be the speaker.

A discussion was conducted to propose moving the regular monthly DAV meetings from the second Tuesday of the month to the third Tuesday of the month. This change would allow veterans to attend both the American Legion and DAV meetings each month. At present, both meetings take place on the second Tuesday of each month.

The DAV Store has a new name. It is now known as Able Branded Solutions.

A Memorial Day celebration will be held at the Historical Building, in Bladenboro, on May 30, 2016. Special recognition is planned for any Korean War veterans who attend. BladenOnline will publish more details about this event as they become available.

As always, all veterans are welcomed and encouraged to join and get involved in Veterans Affairs. Let’s all remember to thank our veterans for their service to our nation.

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