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Thoughts While ShavingWill be happy when the 2016 primary elections and conventions are over. There is about as much tension as I have seen during the election process in recent years. None among us, including the candidates, are perfect. So, we look for the best of the imperfect and hope and pray.

Many of us use eye drops and there are many to choose from. Not sure I would rather have a million dollars or a gallon of eye drops. 0.14 ounces of Systane Ultra lubricant Eye Drops is listed on one websites for $11.49. Math was not one of my best subjects, and longevity has erased memory, can’t imagine what a gallon would be worth.

I appreciate autos that provide a setting that allows my lights to be on anytime the car is being operated. Without that feature, I may be driving in the twilight hours with no lights. See it often and it is dangerous.

Not sure anything is more painful than a ‘cramp’.

What was the biggest surprise related to the recent election, so far as you are concerned, locally, in the state or nation?

If I want your opinion, I’ll ask you to fill out the necessary forms.

Confession is good for the soul, but bad for your career.

Ever stop to think, and forget to start again?

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