Thoughts While Shaving
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Thoughts While Shaving
Had the pleasure of attending a seminar related to Rural Telco’s recently and heard speaker after speaker talk about a changing landscape.  And the rate of change increases every year.
In 1986, 6% of all data was digital, today it’s 99.2% digital.
350 million photos are uploaded to Facebook daily.
6% of all humans are texters’, and the number is rising quickly.
89% of all companies in 1955 are gone.
The average life span of a new business today is 17 years.
Technology affects everyone.
With that in mind, researched the Fortune 500 Top 10 companies in 1955:
General Motors
Exxon Mobile
US Steel
General Electric
Gulf Oil
In 2014, the list included:
Exxon Mobile
Berkshire Hathaway
United Healthcare
CVS Health
General Motors
Ford Motor
AT & T
They either adjust or fall by the wayside.
If not for rural telcos and electric companies, who would provide the utility services?  Some private companies may ‘cherry pick’, but many areas in Bladen County would have no service.  Can’t make a business case for power lines and fiber that serve very few in many areas of Bladen and other rural counties.
Vacation Bible School begins Sunday evening at Wesley’s Chapel UMC near Elizabethtown.  Sign up today.
When the well’s dry, we know the worth of water. (Ben Franklin)
As long as people keep killing people, to stop the killing of people, the killing will go on.
Looks capture the eyes, personality captures the heart.
robert g hester

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