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CryOutAmericaThe annual Cry Out America event will take place on Sunday, Sept. 11, at 6 p.m. on the front lawn of the Bladen County Courthouse in Elizabethtown. Rev. Larry Hayes says that during the event, there will be an unveiling of the “In God We Trust” seal of Bladen County.  The stone featuring the new seal will be placed in the center of the flags on the courthouse lawn.

When asked why this event is so important, Rev. Hayes said, “Christ. Why it is important to me, is it is a time we can come together, pray together, and stand together as God’s people.”

Rev. Hayes said our nation, our county and our country is in a crisis and the future is uncertain, just as it was in the time of our forefathers.  He said the Cry Out America event is a time when everyone can come together and pray for a “spiritual reawakening.”

Rev. Hayes said he is assisting Pam Ward in coordinating this year’s event.  The Cry Out America Team of Bladen County will meet at 5:45 p.m. in front of the Bladen County Courthouse for one and one-half hours. Rev. Hayes said during this time the team would like to honor you and your church with a special thanks for your love and loyalty to God here in Bladen County.


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