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The Bladenboro Town Commissioners met on Monday night and heard from resident Sue Hester.

Hester told the board she was there to discuss two issues–the speed limit in front of her home and law enforcement.

Hester told the board that two town commissioners and the town administrator have told her the speed limit in the area of her home is 25 miles per hour. Hester told the board the speed limit is actually 35 miles per hour.

She told the board that near her home is a sign denoting a school zone and a speed limit of 25 miles per hour.

Councilman Billy Ray Benson said the town does not have a say in setting the speed limit.

Hester continued saying the speed limit is 25 mph by the school then when drivers get past the school the speed limit goes back to 35 mph.

“Regardless of school hours they are not doing it. It needs to be dropped back down. I’m asking for you to make a request to the state,” said Hester.

She related to the board that she has been involved in an accident while attempting to turn into her driveway. Hester said she was almost struck again recently as she attempted to once more to enter her driveway.

Her second issue was the police department’s staffing.

“It’s all over town that there is one police officer on duty at night,” said Hester.

She questioned if that officer is safe working alone.

Councilman Sarah Jane Benson said that on most any given night there are also county deputies  in the town limits as well as the town’s officers.

Hester argued that Police Chief Chris Hunt should be given the freedom to staff and schedule his officers as needed to provide adequate protection to the citizens.

“I don’t feel safe with just one officer in the town,” said Hester. “My issue is when I call for help I want someone there.”

Hester said when she accidentally set her alarm off and when she was involved in an accident at her driveway, Chief Hunt arrived quickly to offer assistance.

Later in the meeting, the board instructed Town Administrator John O’Daniel to write a letter requesting NC Department of Transportation officials to review the speed limit on both the north and south side of NC 410.

In other business, the board met in closed session to consider a personnel matter. No action was taken on the matter in open session.

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