Thoughts While Shaving
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If you failed to set your clock to new time…you may be late for church…SPRING FORWARD….
The Duke-Carolina game was more fun for Duke fans than Carolina…If you missed the score….84-77 Duke….
Now on to the ACC tournament…..
Been keeping up with the gold heist on I-95….near Wilson….More to come, I am sure…Never know what is in those trucks…never thought about gold bars….
Despite the cold, rainy, dreary at times, weather, in a few days we will see a new crop break thru the soil.  Farmers are busy preparing for a new season..It is done differently from a few years ago…Huge equipment that covers many acres in a short time is the norm….Few remember setting out tobacco plants with a hand transplanter that was filled with water….after ‘breaking the soil” with a two-horse turn plow…
I fail to understand all I know sometimes…None among us are perfect….but the Golden Rule is still the Golden Rule…..Nothing in particular, just thinking out loud….Remember when a handshake was a deal, when a person’s word was as good as a contract…Some things do change…..and not for the better…
Court of Law—The place where a suit is pressed and a man can be taken to the cleaners.
At restaurants-gas stations throughout the nation: Eat here and get gas.
Church News…This afternoon, there will be a meeting in the south and north ends of the church.  Children will be baptized at both ends.

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