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By: Robert G. Hester
This Day In History1817—The New York Stock Exchange is founded.
1861—St. Augustine Florida surrenders to Union armies.
1894—The state of New York enacts the nation’s first dog-licensing law.
1900—National League (baseball) decides to go with 8 teams.  They exclude Baltimore, Cleveland, Louisville & Washington (In 1953 Boston Braves move to Milwaukee)
1913—Internal Revenue Service begins to levy & collect income taxes.
1927—Pan American Airlines incorporates.
1936—The first stock car race is held in Daytona Beach, Florida.
1944—US resumes bombing Berlin.
1953—Census indicates 239,000 farmers gave up farming in last 2 years.
1965—1st US combat forces arrive in Vietnam (3,500 Marines)
1974—Charles deGaulle Airport opens in Paris, France.
1983—IBM releases PC DOS version 2.0.
1986—Martina Navratilova is 1st tennis player to earn $10 million.
1987—“A Team” last aired on NBC-TV after 4 years.
1991—Planeloads of US troops arrive home from the Persian Gulf, Iraq hands over 40 foreign journalists & 2 American soldiers it captured.
1994—US Defense Department announces smoking ban in workplaces.
1999—The Supreme Court of the United States upholds the murder convictions of Timothy McVeigh for the Oklahoma City bombing.
2012—Toyota recalls 700,000 vehicles over safety concerns.

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