
Rep. Robert Pittenger

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Congressman Pittenger’s office has received questions from constituents asking how FEMA housing assistance works.  Copied below is the explanation from Congressman Pittenger’s FEMA staffer:

Each situation is on a case by case basis.  The individuals have to register with FEMA for assistance first.  Then the FEMA worker will determine the actual need. The purpose is to get them out of transitional shelters into more permanent housing.  If the town has a shortage of available housing, FEMA will put them in hotels or rentals that they are partnering with and pay the hotel directly.  If the area has a good supply of available housing, FEMA will give them a rental voucher and they will find their own housing.  The transportation matter depends on what they determine the need is at the time of registration.  There is not a blanket answer for everyone.  People are to keep receipts of expenses and also how they used the FEMA assistance.  They likely will be audited at a later date and will need to prove they spent the money for the reason it was allocated.

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