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RALEIGH, NC – Yesterday Republican Brenden Jones was assaulted by his Democratic opponent Tim Benton at a local family festival in Bladenboro, NC. Both men are State House candidates for District 46. A mailing piece went out recently that compared Tim Benton to Hillary Clinton, his own party’s presidential nominee, but Benton was so upset about it that he sucker punched Brenden Jones. Dozens of witnesses were present when the assault took place, which was chronicled by the local news source, Bladen Online, and can be read HERE. Tim Benton recently made up his own FALSE account of the incident, which is obviously nothing short of a political ad, and can be read HERE.

“After assaulting our Republican candidate on a public street, which was witnessed by countless individuals, Democrat Tim Benton has the gall to blame his opponent’s wife for his own irresponsible behavior. Notice two things in his response: first of all, he does not refute witness accounts that said he assaulted the Republican candidate, and instead of accepting responsibility for his actions, he attacks an innocent candidate’s spouse. Mr. Benton was mad because a NCGOP mailer compared him to Hillary Clinton. Considering the fact that he avoids the truth at all costs and blames others for his incompetency, it is clear that our mailer comparing him to Clinton was right on target.” – NCGOP Chairman Robin Hayes

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