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Thoughts While ShavingElection day is drawing near, even as Early Voting continues.

FYI–Early Voting ends Saturday at 1 PM, sharp and the General Election is set for Tuesday, November 8th.  Voting sites will be open at 17 precincts across the county.  Polls open at 6:30 PM and close at 7:30 PM.  Results will be available on BladenOnline from the NC State Board of Elections website, county by county, and office by office.

Hallelujah, the end of the 2016 election is in sight.

Everyone has an opinion on the candidates and process.  I mentioned earlier about a site that seems to dig a little deeper into the process.  The site is FiveThirtyEight.  Nate Silver is the author and takes a state by state look at the election.  Best I can tell, he is not working for or against any candidate, just dealing with numbers.  Interesting reading.

And, remember, when in doubt about what the presidential candidates, and their supporters are saying, check FactCheck for accuracy.

Had an occasion recently to sit-in on a review by state and federal officials, with local representatives from throughout southeastern NC, taking a look at how well management of the after affects of Hurricane Mathew is going.  What is going well, not so well and where improvements can be made as they begin planning for the next catastrophe.  State and Fed officials were especially interested in what did not go well. For the most part, a very good discussion.  Much was handled well at all levels including volunteer efforts. But, much is left to be done.

Tonight, West and East Bladen high school football teams have their annual football matchup. East plays at West, game time 7 PM. Remember, because of damage Hurricane Matthew, the regular season has been extended a week. East Bladen is home to Heide Trask and West Bladen is home against Pender next Friday.

Check our sports page for news related to playoffs for fall sports.  John Clark captures it all.

5 more days of political ads.

Sit next to a pretty girl for an hour, it seems like a minute.  Sit on a red-hot stove for a minute, it seems like an hour.  That’s relativity!  Albert Einstein

There is nothing impossible to him who will try.  Alexander the Great

Men are moved by two levers only: fear and self interest.  Napoleon Bonaparte

robert g hester



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