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This Day In History




1805 – Lewis and Clark sight Pacific Ocean.


1864 – 2nd session of congress of Confederate States of America reconvenes.


1874 – 1st cartoon depicting elephant as Republican Party symbol, by Thomas Nast.


1876 – President Rutherford B. Hayes & Samuel J. Tilden claim presidential victory.  Tilden (D) wins election but Electoral college selects Hayes (R).


1910 – The first air freight shipment (from Dayton, Ohio to Columbus, Ohio) is undertaken by the Wright Brothers and department store owner Max Moorehouse.


1932 – 1st broadcast of “Buck Rogers in the 25th century” on CBS-radio.


1933 – Pennsylvania voters overturn blue law, by permitting Sunday sports.


1954 – US spy plane shot down North of Japan.


1962 – Richard Nixon tells press he won’t be available to kick around any more after losing election for Governor of California.


1963 – NY Yankee Elston Howard is 1st black ever voted AL MVP.


1967 – LBJ signs a bill establishing Corporation for Public Broadcasting.


1976 – “Gone With the Wind” televised.


1983 – Bomb explodes in US Capitol, causing heavy damage but no damages.


1991 – Magic Johnson announces he has HIV virus & retires from LA Lakers.


2000 – Hillary Clinton is elected to the US Senate, becoming first US First Lady to win public office and while still the First Lady.


2000 – Controversial US presidential election that was later resolved in the Bush v. Gore Supreme Court Case.


2004 – War in Iraq: The interim government of Iraq calls for a 60-day “state of emergency” as U.S. forces storm the insurgent stronghold of Fallujah.


2007 – 41st Country Music Association Award: Kenny Chesney, Carrie Underwood & Brad Paisley wins.


2012 – Voters in Maine, Maryland and Washington approve measures for same-sex marriage.


2015 – Sierra Leone is declared free of Ebola by the World Health Organization (death toll 4,000).

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