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etown-meeting-fritzThe Elizabethtown Town Council met on Monday during the noon work session and heard from Rod Fritz of the town’s planning department. Fritz presented a conceptual plan for the proposed Sally Salter Park. The park will be located on the property adjacent to the Cape Fear Farmers Market which until recently has been utilized as an overflow parking lot for the farmers market. 

Town Manager Eddie Madden told the board that, in addition to a park location, the property also meets criteria for a well site.

Fritz said that Madden had spoken with him about the site and had shown him plans that W. K. Dickson had created. He told the board that he had chosen to call it the Sally Salter Town Green. 

Fritz said with the idea of the well house being on the site he wanted to visually look like something more than a typical well house. Fritz said instead of becoming a typical well house it becomes a clock tower or a minuteman statue. He said the items he is recommending can be situated such that it can be removed to access the well if needed. 

The plan also includes space for community gardens Fritz told the board that he has allowed spaces for 24 community gardens to measures 20 by 24. He said the community gardens could become an income producer through the use of corporate sponsors. Madden said the town has recently received a grant to do a community garden.

Tonight the board will consider approving the conceptual plan and the expenditure of $15,000 for test well on the property.

Madden also gave an update on the Leinwand Park improvements.  Madden began by addressing the Leinwand Park annex. Mayor Campbell announced ti was the wishes of the board to name the annex the Rufus Lloyd Park. A motion was made and seconded and the board voted unanimously to name the annex after Councilman Rufus Lloyd. 

“I can’t think of anybody more deserving,” said Campbell. 

Madden said that the picnic shelter is finished, the paving is complete and the walking trail has been installed. He said that town staff is exploring potentially relocating playground equipment currently located at Leinwand Park to Lloyd Park. 

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