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12-6-2016 Meeting Minutes   

Cape Fear Valley Bladen County Hospital, Elizabethtown 

Cafeteria Solarium


Present:  President Larry Hayes, Arthur Bullock, David Chestnutt, Darrell Copeland, Edwin Ferguson, John Goodman, Charles Hester, Brooke Hinson, Thomas Hunsinger, DeWayne Lambeth, Joyce McLaughlin, Rachel Mitchell, Charles Ray Peterson.  


At 8:20 a.m., Thomas Hunsinger offered a prayer of thanksgiving for the food after which those present enjoyed the delicious breakfast provided by the hospital cafeteria


MINUTES:  The minutes of the meeting of November 1, 2016, as distributed by email prior to the meeting, were approved upon motion made by Darrell Copeland.  


TREASURER’S REPORT:  Treasurer Rachel Mitchell reported that the bank statement of November 30, 2016 showed a balance of $715, which current balance is subject to a reduction of $25 because of an outstanding check which had not yet cleared the bank account.  Offerings totaling $56 were given at the meeting, resulting in a current account balance of $746.    




Bladen County Commissioner:  Charles Ray Peterson noted that to his regret the sales tax referendum, which the BMA had been discussing at a number of its recent meetings, failed to be given an affirmative vote by Bladen County in the November election.  He indicated that at their December 5 meeting the County Commissioners said goodbyes to five commissioners whose terms of service on the Board have ended, and extended welcomes to four new commissioners who will be installed at the next semi-monthly meeting.  Contact information:  Charles Ray Peterson, 910-648-4506 or (Cell) 910-876-0297,CPeterson@BladenCC.edu


Southeastern Carolina Crossroads:  Director David Chestnutt noted that the residents have been actively participating in storm recovery, working on tear-outs in Sampson, Duplin and Bladen counties, placement of tarps, sawing downed tree limbs, etc.  He noted that last night he made a presentation concerning Crossroads to the Lions Club in Clinton.  Crossroads is remaining filled to capacity.  Chestnutt had asked his staff, all five of whom have completed the program themselves and remained as staff on a voluntary basis (in order to “give back”), for items they would include on a personal wish list, and upon learning of items needed a number of persons present for the meeting chose items they agreed to furnish.  Contact:  David Chestnutt, 549-8487, bchestnutt@liberty.edu

Radio Station WBLA, 1440 A.M.:   Arthur Bullock described WBLA as a “total inspirational station.”  Located in Elizabethtown on Peanut Road, the station is attempting to accomplish upgrades.  They were able to do a live remote for the Elizabethtown Christmas parade.  The station welcomes paid advertising, and also does public service announcements.  Bullock also spoke of the clothes closet and the food pantry of Baldwin Branch Baptist Church, which are open for persons in need on the fourth Saturday each month except November and December when the day is the third Saturday.  Contact:  Arthur Bullock, abullock1951@gmail.com


Hospital Chaplaincy:  DeWayne Lambeth reported that Thomas Hunsinger, who serves as his associate pastor, also is a volunteer chaplain in the hospital’s program.  Rachel Mitchell indicated she must now withdraw from the chaplaincy program because of the mandatory requirement for having the flu shot, which for her causes a severe allergic reaction.  Contact:  DeWayne Lambeth, 879-2555, wlambeth@capefearvalley.com


Lower Cape Fear Hospice:  Brooke Hinson, LCFH’s Community Outreach Coordinator for Bladen and Columbus counties, reported that she has now been working with Hospice for some 4-5 months.  She is attempting to schedule herself for community presentations, with a hope of doing at least two such presentations monthly for churches, clubs, and the like toward educating the community to Hospice being an important resource.  Hospice can extend a six month benefit.  Contact:  Brooke Hinson, 910-796-7900910-620-2264Lindsey.Hinson@lcfh.org


N.C. Theological Seminary:  Edwin Ferguson underscored that the school is having an especially good time in the Master’s level class, intended to equip both ministers and lay persons.  Contact:  Louie Boykin, lboykin56@gmail.com  


Meetings of County Commissioners:  Persons present were again encouraged to extend support to the Bladen Board of Commissioners through being present for their meetings.  Regular board meetings are held first and third Mondays at 6:30 p.m.  In addition, persons interested from the board and from the county administrative staff meet for prayer the first Mondayof each month at 8 a.m.  Meeting room for the commissioners is on the ground level floor of the courthouse.  


Community Advent Services:  Edwin Ferguson announced that for the remainder of Advent 2016 the community Advent services for Elizabethtown (at noon Wednesdays, lasting about 30 minutes) are scheduled as follows:

December 7 – at Elizabethtown Baptist Church

Preaching, David Holloway, Elizabethtown Presbyterian Church

December 14 – at Trinity United Methodist Church

Preaching, Nathan Morton, Elizabethtown Baptist Church

December 21 – at Elizabethtown Presbyterian Church

Preaching, Gerry Blackburn, St. Christopher’s Episcopal Church


Bladen Baptist Association:  Charles Hester, interim director of mission, announced that the association is moving forward on a women’s ministry in a nearby building.  Contact:  Charles Hester, 862-3496, rvcmhester@aol.com




Upon learning that next Monday will be Rachel Mitchell’s 73rd birthday, the group joined in a celebrative chorus of “Happy Birthday to You!”




The next monthly meeting of the ministerial association will be Tuesday, January 3, 2017, 8:30 a.m. in the hospital cafeteria solarium.


At 9:20 a.m. the meeting was adjourned with prayer spoken by Darrell Copeland.


John Goodman, Secretary  

862-3730; presbypicker2@gmail.com


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