Thoughts While Shaving
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Thoughts While ShavingToday is Friday the 13th!

High temp earlier this week…28, yesterday’s high 73.

Numerous activities upcoming in the area.  Check the Bladen County Upcoming Events section, Elizabethtown-White Lake Chamber of Commerce website, Lu Mil website or Cape Fear Vineyard & Winery website.  There are others, but most likely some or all are listed on these sites.

Bladen is busy.

Martin Luther King Parade is set for Monday,11 AM, thru downtown Elizabethtown.

Wonder what the real story is related to USA and Russian relationships and if we will ever know the rest of the story?

Being appointed to a position of power by any president does not come without sacrifice, but necessary if they are to represent us all around the world.

The Internet has truly changed the universe.  Best I can tell, a Google search can provide in-depth info to anyone around the globe.  How scary is that?

Interesting Bumper Stickers:

If we quit voting will they all go away?

Cleverly disguised as a responsible adult.

Honk it anything falls off.

I took an IQ test and the results were negative.

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