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By: Erin Smith

Arthur Bullock addressed the Martin Luther King Jr. Celebration at Bladen Community College on Tuesday. President Dr. William Findt recognized the guests that were in attendance including Victor Cedeno and Joel Andrade de Leon, of the Polytechnic Bilingual Institute Goshen of Panama who are visiting the college this week.

Dr. Findt  briefly addressed those in attendance and recommended the book Hidden Figures which tells the story of three black women who joined the space program. Dr. Findt noted that one of the women featured in the book, Katherine Johnson, was the reason John Glenn was able to orbit the Earth.

He then introduced BCC Student Government President Zack Bridgers who gave the invocation. The Baldwin Branch Male Chorus performed two songs— Happy and Inside Out.  Sharon Coe, an instructor with the college, introduced Bullock to the audience.

Bullock acknowledged his wife, Elizabeth, who was in attendance as well as members of his church—Baldwin Branch Missionary Baptist Church. 

Bullock noted that Dr. Martin Luther King Jr was a man of distinction and a historical role model. “His mission was to save others. His vision and scope were simple yet breath taking in scope,” said Bullock.

He said that Dr. King started an agenda that remains unfinished. He noted that Dr. King began his legacy in Montgomery, Alabama with a boycott that began with 50,000 individuals. From this protest, the consciousness of a nation was awakened.

Bullock said that on Martin Luther King Jr. Day, it is a time celebrate his life and accomplishments.  He stated that Dr. King is best known for his “I Have A Dream” speech which was given in 1963 and Dr. King was assassinated in 1968.

Bullock said that locally, the Martin Luther King Jr. Parade is very successful and marked its 29th year. He siad everyone is welcome to enter the parade and there is no charge to enter the parade.

He asked what would Dr. King say after Obama? He said that following President Obama no black child can be laughed at when they say they want to President. Bullock said after President Obama, black people still struggle.

Bullock said the vital word for our time is opportunity and making sure everyone, including black and brown, have the same opportunities for success.

Bullock said what would disappoint Dr. King is the poverty, violence, black-on-black crime, police violence, etc.

The event was closed when the audience sang Life Every Voice and Sing led by the Baldwin Branch Male Chorus.

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