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Elizabethtown, NC: #Betacon17 was a wonderful experience for 91 Elizabethtown Middle School. Beta Delegates under the leadership of outstanding sponsors, Mrs. Moffat, Mrs. Raynor, and Mrs. Kinlaw.

Every Elizabethtown Middle School delegate competed in at least one event, and some even competed in multiple events.  This year Elizabethtown Middle School competed in Songfest, Group Talent, each academic event, Tower of Power, Spotlight your Club, Banner, T-shirt, Quiz Bowl, Scrapbook, Advertising Design, Speech, Wreath, each Visual Arts category, and Living Literature. 

We were in the Top 15 for Scrapbook.  Our Living Literature placed 3rd and is eligible for Nationals in Orlando, Florida.  Although, we did not place in all of our competitions, we are extremely proud of our delegates.  This was a first for many of our students and our sponsors, and we walked away with a better understanding of the competitions. 

Our delegates are eager to begin for next year’s competitions.  We would like to thank each of our parents and chaperones as well as our staff for supporting our delegates.

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