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Dear Editor:

I’ve about had it with the NCAA and the ACC. They need to stick to sports and stay out of politics! Their attacks against our state over HB2  is an affront against all Bible believing Christians! The good church going people of NC have a real problem with their small children and wives sharing bathrooms and showers with people of the opposite sex that have identity problems.

As much as I like college basketball, I need to say this! Coaches Roy Williams and Mike Krzyzewski are not God’s contrary to what a lot of people think. They are really good at one thing…”Coaching Basketball”! They need to stick to coaching also!

At one time Duke and Carolina were good schools before liberal and leftist administrators got in control. My son graduated from Carolina. My great-great-great-grandfather was the first graduate in the first class at UNC in 1789. I say this to say that I’m ashamed of UNC’s policy of excluding conservative speakers and ideas! It’s a violation of our country’s heritage that our students are shielded from diverse opinions!


Wm A Settlemeyer Jr

Carver’s Creek NC

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