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By Rep. Brenden Jones

NOTE:  The Mar. 27 legislative update was inadvertently saved as a draft and never sent out. You can view the update by clicking here.

Last week was a busy week in the General Assembly. Below is a summary of key bills I introduced or sponsored, key actions taken by committees on which I serve, and key House votes.

Statement on HB 142

I want to take a moment to thank everyone for sharing their concerns and keeping me in their thoughts and prayers during today’s vote on HB2. I can say, unequivocally, that I am absolutely against allowing men and women to share restrooms or changing facilities. I am a father of two young daughters, and I would not support a bill that I felt in any way would put them in danger.  Click here to read the full statement.

Key Bills Sponsored / Introduced

HB466:  The Pharmacy Patient Fair Practices Act
HB492:  Increase Penalties for Certain Assaults
HB494:  Sales Tax Exemption-Agricultural Fairs

Key Committee Action

HB125: Threatened Weapon Inc. in First-Deg Rape. Unanimously passed theHouse, referred to the Senate Committee on Rules & Operations.

Key House Votes

HB174:  Concealed Carry/Church School Prop — Passed the House; I voted in favor
HB142:  Reset of S.L. 2016-3. Passed both Chambers and signed into law by Governor Cooper. I voted in favor.
HB31:  Material Fact Disclosure Clarifications. Passed the House ; I voted in favor.

Week in Review


After meeting with colleagues, session was held at 7 p.m. We voted on HB362, HB174, HB164, and HB159.


Transportation Committee was held at 11 a.m. and we heard the following bills:  HB31, HB337, HB332, HB336 and HB110.
Agriculture was held at noon and a presentation was provided by the University of Mt. Olive College’s Agriculture Department.
Judiciary II was held at 1 p.m. and we voted on HB125, HB216 and HB225.
During session we voted on various bills, including: HB277, HB315, HB28, and HB379.


After a morning meeting with my freshman colleagues, I attended the State and Local Government Committee to speak on a bill that was being heard.
Shortly thereafter, I was visited by members of the St. Paul delegation, as well as with members from Bolton delegation and the Whiteville City Council and city manager.
Session was held at 2 p.m. and we voted various bills, including: HB2, HB31, HB45, HB125 and HB252.


After meeting with colleagues, session was held at 11 a.m. and we voted on HB142 and HB458.

If you have questions or comments about other issues, please feel free to call my legislative assistant, Andrew Bailey, at 919-733-5821 or jonesla@ncleg.net.

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