Thoughts While Shaving
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Thoughts While ShavingRemember nick names from years gone by? I was ‘Bobby’ (many still call me that, and that is OK), ‘Runt’ was my brother’s nickname, now Rev. J. Ronald Hester and one I never quiet understood. My cousin, Kendrick Hester was ‘Chink’. There were many, many more. Guess we all grew up and the name on our birth certificate must correspond with that on our employment records. Heck, I don’t know. I had no problem with the nicknames.

Speaking of names, I have been informed that I recently had a birthday, didn’t know it. For the past 78+ years, my birthdate has been in November. Have no idea, must be another Robert G. I do know there are many Robert Hesters in the area. And to the Robert Hester that recently celebrated a birthday, I add my congratulations. Feel like I am celebrating one every couple of months.

I enjoy following William McGirt, Fairmont native and professional golfer, who, over the years has developed his skills and won lots of money. For a short time yesterday, I thought he was going to be the overnight leader of the Masters Golf Tournament, after first round play. Did not happen, Charley Hoffman scored 3 birdies late in his round to take a 4 stroke lead in nearly unplayable, windy conditions. McGirt was 3 under for the round and in 2nd place.
Enjoyed the interview following the round. I paraphrase, ‘know your limits and stay within them’. Good advice for all in any endeavor.

Another reminder of the BBQ Plate Fundraiser for Live Oak UMC. The event to be held Saturday from 11 AM ’til 6 PM at the Elizabethtown Middle School Cafeteria. Proceeds will assist in removal of mold from the church, following Hurricane Mathew’s recent visit. Plates will be $7. Additional donations accepted and appreciated.

Clear, cool and windy, forecast for today. Not a good day to rake leaves or burn them.

Don’t watch the clock: do what it does. Keep going. Sam Levenson

If you can’t explain it simply, you don’t understand it well enough. Albert Einstein

Education is the ability to listen to almost anything without losing your temper or self-confidence. Robert Frost

Everyone you will ever meet knows something you don’t. Bill Nye

Listening is one of the best ways to communicate.

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