Thoughts While Shaving
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Thoughts While ShavingSometime retirees have to much time to dream, wonder what if, etc. When I am having one of those days, I begin to search for something new, different. Such was the case recently.

I stumbled across USA Facts, a Steve Balmer project. Who is Steve Balmer? Former CEO of Microsoft, now retired, filthy rich, owner of the NBA LA Clippers basketball team.

One of his latest projects is USAFACTS. According to Mr. Balmer, he uses Smart Design to makes sense of government spending…not political, non-partisan, in fact nothing to do with politics, except where does government $’s come from and where do they go. Volumes of info.

According to his research, the US government receives $5.2 trillion annually, and spends $5.4 in the same time frame. The same formula must apply at the Hester household, just vastly smaller numbers.

Lots of info, still developing, good reading.

A little late, but good numbers for BladenOnline. Still strong, still available at not cost and still the best source anywhere for what’s happening in Bladen County. We don’t cover it all, but more than anyone else.

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A 40% chance of rain means there is a 60% chance of no rain, and we need it.

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