
Elliott Madden

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Elliott Madden

Elliott Madden, son of Eddie and Dawn Madden, spoke to the Elizabethtown Rotary Club about his recent trip to the Rotary Youth Leadership Award (RYLA) where learned about successful leadership. The event was conducted at the Trinity Center in Pine Knoll Shores in January.

Speakers for the event were very informative and  Madden said each speaker gave good tips and methods for becoming successful leaders. He said in addition to effective leadership, he learned “You lead 70 percent and follow 30 percent.”

Madden said in addition to learning many things about leadership he also created many friendships as result of RYLA.

“I’m very grateful for this experience and all it had to offer,” said Madden. He said he has plans to attend VMI or The Citadel or one of the federal military institutions and wishes to study to become a JAG attorney. He said the skills obtained at through RYLA will contribute greatly to his future plans.

Rotarian Linda Burney and Rotary President Charlotte Smith.

A brief business session was conducted following Madden’s update. During the session Linda Burney was presented with a new member packet. Fellow new member Sharon Penny was unable to attend the meeting.

Members of the Rotary Golf Tournament committee worked to finalize details for the June 15 tournament.

The committee planning the first annual Rotary International Golf Tournament met prior to the meeting to finalize details for the event. The event is planned for June 15 and will be held at Vineyard Golf in White Lake.

Rotary Gun Raffle winner Michael Aycock.

Rotarian Shane Freeman updated the club on the recent raffle that was held for an AR-15 rifle. “The raffle was successful,” said Freeman. The rifle was won and claimed by Michael Aycock of Elizabethtown.

The club received a brief update on the World War II Recognition planned for Wednesday, May 31.

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