Thoughts While Shaving
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Thoughts While ShavingEver so often I think of the old Johnny Cash tune, “Sunday Morning Coming Down”, remember? It was about to much activity the night before…”Then I fumbled in my closet through my clothes and found my cleanest dirty shirt. Then I washed my face and combed my hair and stumbled down the stairs to meet the day.”

Hopefully, this Sunday some rain will be coming down. Rain is in our forecast for today and tomorrow, in fact, quiet a bit of rain, maybe several inches.

In my ramblin’ through recent news of interest, discovered a recent article from the NC Board of Elections, related to all the ‘bad mouthing’ from politicians and others about illegal voting in the Tar Heel State.

Facts: there were 508 instances of illegal voting in North Carolina. 24 instances of double voting, 441 felons voted that should not have, 41 non-citizens voted and 2 voter impersonations.

In Bladen County, despite all the ‘loud noise” by politicians and some of the public, there was one (1) illegal vote cast, according to the state report. One (1) out of 15,969 votes cast that should not have been. One (1) is too many, but all are human and humans make mistakes, but not as accused.

We owe our local elections office staff, poll workers and the board a huge apology and that includes ‘loud mouth politicians’ from inside and outside the county and state. Shame on them. As usual, no evidence, just accusations.

Seems at election time, Bladen County gets singled out, but the evidence indicates something else, time and time again. We aren’t perfect, but neither are those who continue to make the accusations.

If you care to get the facts, Google the NC State Board of Elections. They produced a 34 page report, “Post Election Audit Report.”


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robert g hester

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