Thoughts While Shaving
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Thoughts While ShavingAnd the rain came down. Rainfall at the Hester household, located about 3 miles southwest of Elizabethtown, totaled 3.5 inches from 5 AM Monday ’til 5 AM Tuesday. The National Weather Service station at the Curtis Brown Airport recorded about 2.85 inches of rain over the same time period.

Good rain, much needed rain. But, some construction projects have had to be put on hold, including some NCDOT projects. Projects underway following a visit by Hurricane Mathew late last year.

The first of two annual fund-raisers for Bladen We Care is scheduled for Thursday at The Vineyard Golf Course, White Lake. Best I can tell, a full, or near full field, morning and afternoon. Weather forecast is for sunny skies with temps in the mid 80s.

And the Annual Gala is scheduled for Friday, May 5th at Lu Mil Vineyard. Tickets still available, $100 per couple. Entertainment by Black Water Rhythm & Blues Band. Proceeds from both events benefit Bladen County residents ‘falling thru the cracks of our healthcare system.’

There are numerous other worthy events over the next few weeks in Bladen County. Check the ‘Events’ section of BladenOnline for details.

We are so blessed because there are so many volunteers assisting numerous causes for the betterment of all.

From the ‘Did You Know’ department?

The US consumes more petroleum than any other country in the world.

Research has shown that people who volunteer often live longer. Allen Klein

You can study government and politics in school, but the best way to really understand the process is to volunteer your time. Rob McKenna

From my early school days, I was brought up with the belief that we have a duty to use our talents, to volunteer and to make a contribution. Michael Hintze

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