Town Of Elizabethtown
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by Joy Warren

Hilda Odom

After holding a public hearing regarding a request for rezoning for property on Cypress Street from Central Business District to General Commercial, Council voted to deny the request.  A protest petition was filed by Hilda Odom, who stated she was not aware that churches were not allowed in the CBD until she received a notice from the Town.  Adjacent landowner, Cliff Hester spoke to Council and suggested that the ordinance be amended to allow churches as a Special Use.  Council will make the recommendation to the Planning and Zoning Board.

Cliff Hester

There were no public comments during the public hearing regarding the Code of Ordinance Amendment for Parades.  Council approved the amendment which will add extra safety features during scheduled parades.

In other business Council approved revisions to the Town Personnel Policy; approved proclamations for “National Police Week” May 15-21st and declared May as “Older Americans Awareness Month”.

Mrs. Twilla Allen, Regional Long-term Care Ombudsman for Lumber River Council of Governments, introduced herself to Council.  She is the designated COG staff member assigned to the Town.

Eddie Madden, Town Manager presented a brief presentation on the proposed FY 2017-18 Budget.  A public hearing will be held during the June meeting to allow public comments.

In administrative matters, Council approved appointments to Elizabethtown Airport and Economic Development Commission, Planning Board and ABC Commission; approved contract with ECS Southeast, LLP for Phase I Environmental Review of the West Broad Street streetscape improvements; approved contract with Twin State Small Structural Movers, LLC to relocate the existing Airport Terminal Building south of its current location; approved grant agreement for land acquisition of the Potter Property Project at the airport; and approved the monthly financial report.

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