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Elizabethtown has seen a lot of changes over the past couple of years. One local business wants to join in on the changing.

The Factory Event Center in Elizabethtown wants to change its business model. The Town Council of Elizabethtown heard the plans on Monday evening.

Andrew E. Robinson requested a special use permit for the Factory Event Center located across from Martin Luther King Jr. Park at 404 Martin Luther King Drive.

The changes Robinson spoke to the town officials about was to change the use of the property from an event center to a nightclub, bar and lounge.

Not everyone at the meeting was in agreement with the idea. One citizen, Minnie Price, who owns residential property adjacent to the center was not in favor of the idea. Price spoke in opposition of the change from an events center into a bar.

Council members discussed the special use request. Councilmen Clark and Lloyd spoke in favor of the business and did not see it as a detriment to the community.

Robinson assured the council that he and his board of directors would be responsible business owners and make improvements that would make the community a better place. Before finishing his remarks to the council, Robinson stated he was requesting the change so they could add an ABC license. Council approved the request of the Special Use Permit.

Robinson did make the same request to the Town of Elizabethtown’s Planning Board prior to Monday evening’s meeting with the town council. The planning board denied his request to change the use of the property, according to Eddie Madden, Elizabethtown Town Manager. However, “Thee F@ctory”, as it is titled on their building did receive approval to change the use of property by the town council on Monday evening.

Madden, said on Tuesday morning after the meeting, improvements to the facility have already been made by the business owners. BladenOnline.com did stop by location of the business for an interview, but no one was in at the time.

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