Thoughts While Shaving
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Thoughts While ShavingToday is Flag Day, adopted by the Continental Congress, June 14, 1777.  In Pennsylvania it is a state holiday.  Google Flag Day for much interesting information.

The London fire this morning reminded me of the recent fire in Raleigh, but appears to be much larger, with occupants, and obviously many casualties.  If you recall, the Raleigh fire was primarily in a building under construction, with damage to nearby structures but no fatalities, if my memory is correct.

Hope no involvement by terrorist, none mentioned, but early in investigation.

Tim Kinlaw, White Lake resident and Bladen County native, once again has been named interim School Superintendent in Cumberland County, a position he has held before.  Kinlaw has served as Associate Superintendent for several years.  The Cumberland County Board of Education decided to buy out the contract of Dr. Frank Till, School Superintendent after he announced he would be retiring next year.  The changes apparently are effective immediately.

The Elizabethtown Rotary Club is sponsoring a Golf Tournament, Thursday, June 15 (tomorrow), proceeds benefit Bladen County students with scholarships.  Contact an E-town Rotarian for details.

A reminder of Father’s Day, Sunday, June 18.

Do you remember your high school graduation?  I remember many of my classmates, but little about the event, except, it was the end of one journey, and the beginning of another.

A small chance of rain over the next 7 to 10 days.  Crops look very good, but additional rain would be welcomed.

Local government budgets will be adopted by July 1, and a tax bill will follow in July or August.

The American flag represents all of us and all the values we hold sacred.  Adrian Cronauer

The American flag is the symbol of our freedom, national pride and history.  Mike Fitzpatrick

To survive in peace and harmony, united and strong, we must have one people, one nation, one flag.  Pauline Hanson

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