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The Elizabethtown Rotary Club enjoyed a discussion about the creation of the Electoral College and the Election of 1800. The program was presented by Ray Shepherd of Bladen Community College.

He explained the Electoral College was established by the United States Constitution by Article II and amended by the 12th amendment to elect the President and Vice-President of the United States. Shepherd said when voters cast their ballots for the President and Vice-President, they are actually voting on a group of electors.

If, for some reason, no candidate for the President receives a majority of the Electoral College votes, the House of Representatives then votes on the candidates. If, for some reason, no candidate for Vice-President receives a majority of the Electoral College votes, the U.S. Senate then votes on the cadidates.

He also spoke about the Presidential Election of 1800 between Thomas Jefferson and John Adams. Thomas Jefferson defeated incumbent President John Adams by receiving 73 Electoral College votes, according to Shepherd. The Electoral College votes in the 1800 election were Thomas Jefferson, 73; Aaron Burr, 73; John Adams, 65; and Charles C. Pinckney, 64. Jefferson was eventually declared the winner, said Shepherd

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