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This weekend the annual Desmond Bryant Free Football camp was held at East Bladen High School. Bryant, a 2004 East Bladen High School graduate gives back every year to Bladen County by hosting a free football camp.

Bryant graduated from Harvard and currently plays for the Cleveland Browns. The nationally known football player has not forgotten the importance of giving back. Even though Bryant did not spend his whole high school career at East Bladen, he did play two seasons for the local high school Eagles and gives back to them every year.

This summer marks the 6th year for Bryant’s football camp. According to Dr. Wray, East Bladen’s Principal, there were 140 camp participants this year. Giving an introduction to Bryant’s many accolades, Dr. Wray noted it was important for those in attendance to know Bryant was not just a great football player, but a Harvard graduate with other great accomplishments as well.

The camps motto, “Born Ready to Play” was featured high for everyone to see on a banner in the school’s atrium. Each camper was given a free shirt and a bag with goodies featuring the motto as well.

Bryant mentioned the idea of the camp came from his youth experiences in Illinois and going to a Chicago Bulls camp he really enjoyed.

“I knew I wanted to come back and help my community in this way and continue to find other ways,” Bryant said.

Awards were given out to some campers for their achievements during the camp. After the camp was over Bryant posed for photos with the many local fans.

View more photos of the camp: kenarmphoto.com

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