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Cape Fear Valley Health System’s Nursing Congress set out to establish an award to recognize exemplary bedside nursing support staff.  The LITE award stands for Leadership, Integrity, Tireless, and Excellence.  Bladen Hospital is proud to announce that Wilma Lesane, NA II has been chosen as Bladen’s first LITE recipient.

Ms. Lesane  exemplifies the LITE qualities with every interaction and is a valuable health care team member. She is a long time valued employee in the Birth Center at Bladen Healthcare. Her tireless service is greatly appreciated. Ms. Lesane is great with all patients, but has a special place in her heart for the babies.  She takes her time with bathing and dressing them.

The Birth Center can be an emotional rollercoaster. Ms. Lesane laughs with the patients during happy, joyous occasions. She has also cried with staff, patients and families, while providing exceptional care during these emotional times. She is a constant in the Birth Center and is a rock for all to lean on.

We are honored to present Wilma Lesane, NA II with the LITE award. Thank you for all you do, Wilma! We appreciate you!

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