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In July, the Boost the Boro committee met to discuss purchasing property and planning the Beast Fest for 2017. The discussions continued on Tuesday, August 8th, about the property purchase and the plans for the annual festival.

A building at the corner of Martin Luther King Drive in Bladenboro is facing foreclosure and the property owner offered the building to Boost the Boro, Inc. for the back taxes owed, according to Charles Ray Peterson, a Boost the Boro member. The local group voted to accept the offer and purchase the property for the back taxes in July 2017.

The non-profit’s President, Don White, announced at the Tuesday meeting in August, the Boost the Boro’s board of directors reviewed the potential effects of purchasing the property offered after the vote was taken in July.

“We would like to have the building occupied as a commercial property. We also do not want to take away an opportunity from a local business owner,” White said.

He continued, “It would be a great place for a young entrepreneur to fix up and start their business in Bladenboro.”

After much discussion, Boost the Boro rescinded the vote from the July 2017 meeting to purchase the commercial property. A new vote was taken and passed for Boost the Boro to decline the offer to purchase the property for the tax value in the hope a business owner will purchase the building, renovate it and use it.

Last but not least the Beast Fest planning continued before the meeting ended. The annual festival is set for October 27th and 28th.

Fees were set for vendors. Food vendors for Friday night and all day Saturday will invest $250 for the money-making opportunity. Non-food vendors with a power source will invest $100 and without a power source is $75. Anyone interested in sponsorship opportunities may contact Charles Ray Peterson, Chair of the event, or Don White at 910-809-8006. For more information visit their website at: http://www.boosttheboro.or g/.


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