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by Kayla Bell

Warm, sunny days of summer also bring with them a surge of allergens that can make life difficult for individuals who have asthma or allergies. To enjoy the summer without discomfort, it’s important to know what frequent summer allergies are and to adopt ways to control symptoms.

Pollen from grasses, weeds, and trees is a common summertime allergen that can aggravate asthma symptoms and cause allergic responses. Increased exposure to these allergens is frequently caused by an increase in outdoor activities. Furthermore, mold spores can be very irritating and grow best in warm, humid environments. Because of the higher humidity and increased usage of air conditioning in the summer, even indoor allergens like dust mites and pet dander can become more problematic.

Effective management of these allergies necessitates a multifaceted strategy. Reducing exposure to outdoor allergens can be achieved by learning about pollen counts and avoiding outdoor activities during periods of high pollen concentration. By using air conditioning rather than opening windows, indoor air pollution can be prevented. Removing outside clothing and taking a shower can also help reduce the amount of pollen that enters the house.

For indoor allergens, improving air quality is essential. “Increasingly, we see people suffering from indoor airborne allergies that can significantly affect their quality of life,” says A.J. Smith of Smith & Sons Heating & Cooling. “We are committed to providing solutions that improve indoor air quality. Our FreshAire UV Light systems are designed to effectively eliminate airborne allergens, creating a healthier environment for our customers.” These systems can be particularly beneficial during the summer months when indoor allergens are prevalent. For more information, Smith & Sons Heating & Cooling can be reached at 910-862-2622 or through their website at smithandsonshvac.com.

In the summer, managing asthma also calls for extra care. It’s critical to stay cool and hydrated because heat and humidity can exacerbate asthma symptoms. By lowering interior humidity levels, a dehumidifier can help decrease the growth of mold and dust mites. Good indoor air quality can also be maintained by routinely cleaning air filters and making sure HVAC systems are operating properly.

Medications are essential for managing asthma and allergies. If a person has asthma, they must always carry rescue inhalers and take their prescribed drugs on time. It can also be helpful to speak with a healthcare professional about changing prescription regimens in advance of summer.

Adopting good lifestyle choices can further lessen the effects of allergies and asthma in addition to these strategies. Maintaining a healthy weight, eating a balanced diet, and exercising regularly help boost immunity and enhance respiratory health in general. Consider receiving allergy injections or immunotherapy if you suffer from severe allergies for long-term relief.

Summertime is a wonderful time of year, but it may also be difficult for people who have asthma or allergies. People can successfully manage their symptoms and fully enjoy the season by being aware of common allergens, enhancing indoor air quality, controlling exposure, and upholding healthy habits. Summertime can be a season of comfort and well-being thanks to solutions offered by nearby specialists like Smith & Sons Heating & Cooling, which provide extra assistance in establishing a healthier living environment.

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