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The Town of Elizabethtown and the Curtis Brown Airport will be hosting an aviation summer camp from June 18th through June 21st at the Curtis Brown Airport from 8:00am to 12:00 pm. The camp is open to students in 5ththrough 8th grades.  There will be no charge for this camp, and it will be hosted on the Curtis Brown field.

According to organizer, Rusty Worley, Planning Director for the Town of Elizabethtown, the week will be full of fun for the students with excellent Instructors that are currently in the aviation Industry.  Students will have a good understanding of fixed and rotary Wing with hands on opportunities to fly drones.

The classes will be interactive and will cover areas such as:

  • Aircraft Familiarization
  • Navigation
  • Weather
  • Aircraft Maintenance
  • Flight Characteristics
  • Drone Flight Rules
  • Drone Navigation
  • Future Aviation Job Opportunities
  • Helicopter Familiarization
  • Air Traffic Control System

The camp is limited to 30 students, so parents are encouraged to sign up soon. Applications are available on the Town’s website. A completed application and release form should be emailed to campeyf@gmail.com

The Town is hosting the event with corporate sponsors, Campbell Oil Co, Sovereign Air and the North Carolina Department of Aviation.

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