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Longevity NarrowDUBLIN – Bladen Community College acknowledged the beginning of the fall academic calendar with an All-Campus Assembly of faculty and staff members on August 3, 2015. Motivational speaker and humorist Patrick Henry entertained the audience with anecdotes, songs, and life lessons.

During the assembly, president William Findt recognized employees with five or more years of service with the college. Those employees are, left to right: Anthony Thomas – 10 years; Cynthia McKoy – 35 years; Geraldine Council – 20 years; Gale West – 15 years; Samantha Benson – 20 years; Tiina Mundy – 10 years; Lynn King – 15 years; Sharon Coe – 20 years; Christine McDonald – 20 years; Lisa Neal – 10 years; Horace McLean – 5 years; Mary Granger – 15 years; Sara Neeley – 5 years; Joyce Bahhouth – 5 years; Andrea Carter-Fisher – 5 years; John Trogden – 10 years; Fordie McNeil – 15 years; and Lisa Devane – 10 years.

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