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Todd Lyden with Bladen Community College’s Small Business Center offers information about COVID-19 assistance, managing non-profits, and more in this week’s newsletter.

For Non-Profits and Churches, we have Sam Gore coming back with Managing Online Donor Strategies for Churches and Non-Profits on May 7th
We’ve added a series of live webinars in May. Also, we have a free short ebook to help you focus on other things for your business! As always, I am still available via email: tlyden@bladencc.edu or phone: 910-879-5572 to assist you as you move forward. We are lucky to hear several local businesses receiving assistance.

For current information, check the FACEBOOK PAGE – loan package, grant information, PPP are changing by the day… that’s the best place to find what I have most current.

May 7 Thu 6:30 PM to 8:00 PM
Online giving is no longer a fringe concept for churches and other Nonprofits. Both are all over the world and are making it possible for donors to give via the internet. But what are the hidden costs? What are the benefits of the different methods for online giving? How do you understand all the online giving lingo and jargon? This webinar will answer these questions.
Speaker(s): Sam Gore, Towards a Fruitful Ministry

Believe it or not—even in today’s uncertain marketplace—this may be one of the best times in decades to start a small business. Competitors are hard-hit, resources are cheaper, and good people aren’t hard to find. What would be the best small business for YOU to start right now? Would a business bring in extra income or provide a job? The Best Small Business to Start Right Now! can help you answer that question.

May 4 Mon 7:00 PM to 8:00 PM
The Best Small Business to Start Right Now! (online)

May 5 Tue 2:00 PM to 3:00 PM
The Best Small Business to Start Right Now! (online)

Starting a small business is easier now than it has ever been. In these challenging times, everyone from the government to your local banker is trying to help you succeed. In ABCs of Starting a Small Business In Today’s Crazy Economy, you will learn the basics of small business start-ups.

May 11 Mon 7:00 PM to 8:00 PM
ABCs of Starting a Small Business In Today’s Crazy Economy (online)

May 12 Tue 2:00 PM to 3:00 PM
ABCs of Starting a Small Business In Today’s Crazy Economy (online)

We all know that, whether your business is a service, retail, manufacturing or direct marketing you need a plan. And, in today’s wild, wild west marketplace a business plan is more important than ever. In fact, if you try to borrow money for a business the first question asked by the lender will be, “Do you have a Business Plan?” Creating a Winning Business Plan will offer simple, easy-to-follow steps for creating a business plan that fits your business.

May 18 Mon 7:00 PM to 8:00 PM
Creating a Winning Business Plan (online)

May 19 Tue 2:00 PM to 3:00 PM
Creating a Winning Business Plan (online)

FREE E-Book to help you get through the other parts of the Crisis-
click to download!

Author: bladenonline

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