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beast-feast-brings-in-tens-of-thousands-to-help-improve-bladenboroOne local non-profit had a lot to celebrate at their last meeting of the year on Tuesday, December 14th, 2016. Boost the Boro along with the annual Beast Fest hit record-breaking fundraising profits in 2016.

Don White, Boost the Boro President, said, “We’ve had an extremely successful year this year. We had the best Spring Fest we’ve ever had and the Beast Fest was fantastic!”

“We increased 67% over last year,” White said.

The Beast Fest alone brought in a profit of $21,250.63 after all expenses were paid according to White.

However, the large cash funding was not the only thing the group had to boast about this year. In 2016, Boost the Boro members had flags installed, moved monuments and has a mural started in downtown Bladenboro to improve the town’s appearance.

After the flooding from Hurricane Matthew the members helped clean up. They organized clean-up days, offering their manual labor to get the town spic and span.

The toy drive coordinated with the local police department received about $550 from Boost the Boro. According to Bladenboro Police Chief Chris Hunt, the donation will help about three to four children receive gifts this Christmas.

The Christmas Lighting Ceremony hosted by the non-profit brought about 250 people to town according to White.

Boost the Boro wanted to reach out more. The group partnered with the Junior Beta Club at Bladenboro Middle School on some projects. A new website for the non-profit was created to increase awareness and outreach.

“I think our good friend Hiram (Hester) would be really proud of us,” White said.

After the report from White was given about the past twelve months, the members of Boost the Boro decided to take around $18,000 to $20,000 to give back to the town. Some ideas for using the funding for the betterment of the community were offered, but will be discussed further in 2017.

White turned the floor over to guest speaker, Cris Harrelson, from the Bladenboro Town Council.

beast-feast-brings-in-tens-of-thousands-to-help-improve-bladenboro-2Harrelson said, “I think we all want the same thing. We want to see growth. I’d like to offer a hand out and a partnership on behalf of the town of Bladenboro.”

Harrelson suggested community surveys, town forums and revitalization of downtown Bladenboro.

A steering committee will be formed to assist in the goals of improving the town. If anyone is interested in being on the steering committee, they may contact Harrelson or White for more information.

Before the meeting was adjourned Joyce Walters reminded folks the Bladenboro Farmers Market would be open every Friday and Saturday until the end of December. Beast Fest hoodies and shirts are on sale at the market along with a lot of fresh fruits, vegetables, nuts and handmade items.

Agreeing on closing the market after the last weekend in December for winter was the last action the group took before bidding farewells for the holidays.

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