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Caption: Top row left to right are Michael Young, Stacie Britt, Tiffany Lowery, Madison Cartrette, Kamara Lewis, and Kunaiza McKoy. Bottom row left to right are Savannah Schmidt, Sarah Allen, James Hunsinger, Webblon Rowe, Vincent Morris, and Ethan White.

DUBLIN – Twelve students from Bladen Community College received awards at the Regional SkillsUSA competition in Greensboro in April, where 2,700 students competed for top honors. As a result, BCC was recognized as one of five chapters with the most growth and success in SkillsUSA.

The winners are cosmetology students Tiffany Lowery, 2nd place in Job Skills Demo Open, Madison Cartrette, 4th place Cosmetology Beginner Skills, and Stacie Britt, 2nd place Customer Service.

From welding, Savannah Schmidt won 1st place in Job Skills Demo A, Vincent Morris took 2nd place in Welding Art Sculpture, Webblon Rowe placed 3rd in Welding Art Sculpture, James Hunsinger took 4th place in Welding Art Sculpture, and Ethan White placed 4th in Welding.

Electrical student Michael Young won 3rd place in Electrical Construction Wiring. BCC dual enrollment high school students also excelled at SkillsUSA. Welding student Sarah Allen won 1st place in high school Jobs Skills Demo A. Cosmetology students Kamara Lewis and Kunaiza McKoy won 1st place in Cosmetology Skills Showcase. Maniya Chatman took 3rd place in Hair Color.

First place winners Savannah Schmidt and Sarah Allen will compete in the national SkillsUSA competition in Louisville, Kentucky in June.

The national SkillsUSA competition is the world’s largest showcase of skilled trades. More than 15,000 students, teachers, education leaders, and representatives from 600 national corporations, trade associations, businesses
and labor unions participate in the event.

The competition is for public high school and college/postsecondary students enrolled in career and technical education programs. SkillsUSA has a nationwide membership of over 300,000 students and showcases 100 hands-on skill and leadership contests, representing 130 different occupational areas.

For more information about career opportunities at Bladen Community College, call 910 879-5500.

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