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Becky Spearman, Bladen County Extension Director and Livestock Extension Agent announced upcoming events for the area.

There will be an Agriculture and Forest Landowners Meeting on Thursday, January 23rd from 9 am to 1:30 pm at the Powell Melvin Agricultural Service Center Auditorium located at 450 Smith Circle Drive in Elizabethtown. Lunch provided, please call 862-4591 to register by January 22nd. View the flyer here: vad mtg flyer

Beef Quality Assurance Certification Class is on Thursday, January 16 at 6:30 pm at the Bladen Extension Office.   This training is open to all beef producers free of charge. To become certified, you must pass the test and pay the fees. Costs are $15 for 3 years for NC Cattlemen’s Association Members and $40 for non-members (includes a membership to the NCCA).  Please bring a check to the training made payable to NC Cattlemen’s Association.  Register by January 14th by calling the office at 862-4591 or emailing becky_spearman@ncsu.edu. View the flyer here: bladen cfcc flyer 2020

 Cape Fear Regional Cattle Conference

The 2020 conference  will be on Tuesday, January 28 at the Southeastern Agricultural Center (1027 Highway 74 East in Lumberton). Dr. Thomas van Dyke, NCSU, will be discuss vaccination protocols. Lee van Vlake, Clemson Extension, and Dr. Christine Long, Pineview Veterinary Hospital, will be discuss calving and dystocia .  Starts at 4:30 pm and costs $5 – pay at the door.  The program includes a meal and vendors.  RSVP by calling the office at 862-4591 or emailing becky_spearman@ncsu.edu  by January 21st.  Flyer attached.

Author: bladenonline

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