In anticipation of Tropical Storm Ian, the County of Bladen is making preparations to open the Emergency Operations Center tomorrow, Friday, September 30 th , from 7:00 a.m.- 7:00 p.m. Extended hours will be dependent upon storm impact.
According to the National Weather Service, impacts to our area will occur tomorrow. Any preparations should take place today. At this time, there are no plans to open shelters at this time.
Back-up preparations should be made now for any oxygen concentrators or medical devices dependent on power for a minimum of 48 hours, in case of a power outage. Residents should NOT call 9-1-1 to report power outages. Power outages should be reported to the appropriate power company:
Duke Power (800) 419-6356
Four County EMC (888) 368-7289
South River EMC (800) 338-5530
Brunswick EMC (800) 682-5309
At this time, Bladen County has not issued a state of emergency. Residents are urged to monitor local media outlets for updates as they occur.